Giving thanks. (Post #5)

It's December. I let the end of November come and go while I considered what I wanted to write. I've felt slightly overtaken by events, but moving on...

I'm not nearly as "thoughtfully thankful" as I should be. For every minute I spent writing something specific and of-the-moment here, I spent at least five minutes whining about something that wasn't exactly the way I wanted it to be. And that's probably a conservative estimate. So this post is an attempt to get me out of my own gripey [is that even a word?] head. Maybe by the time I finish writing it I'll have learned something else.

I'm thankful for a family that puts up with my need for control, my random (and often hurtful) sarcasm, and my compulsive need to throw parties when we could really just sit here and watch NCIS/Criminal Minds marathons all by ourselves.

I'm thankful for an amazing assortment of friends - I've often said that watching the comments on my Facebook page is an education on the variety of opinions, lifestyles, and beliefs that exist just in my little corner of the world. I'm blessed with people who make me think, who make me laugh, and who make me want to be a better person.

Like many, I take health for granted. I've got a child who has never had a major illness (and not many minor ones), when others would give everything to have the same. I may work to lose weight, but my health is good and I can do anything I want to do.

I guess I needed a reminder that just getting out of bed, breathing in and out, every day is more than enough reason to be thankful. I have so much more than that, so much more than I need, and definitely more than I deserve. It's time I start remembering that without a special occasion, without a "project" to remind me. Feel free to give me a nudge.


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