Week 15 Scorecard

I've not been at all sure what to expect from my weigh-in today. Given that I've started a radical eating shift, AND had an out of town weekend, a significant gain would not have surprised me. As I've mentioned before, I have scale issues - can't stay off it -- and Sunday was frightening.

The weekend involved barbecue, creamed corn, macaroni and cheese, Chinese food, dessert, not enough water, dessert, and a little dessert.

THEN I jump over to Paleo yesterday and gave myself a brain ache -- how on earth do I go from measuring and tracking every bite to eating the right foods and just listening to my body? Recipe for disaster, I tell ya.

I can't even express how excited I was this morning when I lost almost 2 pounds in the last week! 1.8 to be exact, which gets me out of the 180s for the first time in for-freaking-ever. That's right, I just gave a number. I promised myself that once I was into the 170s, I'd finally swallow my pride and start talking actual numbers. My Scorecard tab has the entire table from the beginning now.

I'm still nervous about the Paleo change -- I'm so used to 3 ounces of meat no matter what, that adding to that if I'm hungry just seems wrong. By the time I post another scorecard, it'll have been a week and then I'll have something to base it on.

For now, I'll celebrate where I am now, and the 18.1 pounds that I will never own again.


  1. Whohoo!! So proud of you girlfriend!! Congrats on the weight loss!! :))


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