Week 20 Scorecard

I can't believe I've been doing this for 20 weeks. That's like 1/3rd of a year. Yeah, I do math.

That's a pretty big deal to me, actually. Twenty solid weeks of paying attention to what I eat, making myself move more, not "cheating" or making bad choices for more than a few hundred calories.

On to the countdown...

This was a good week. I've stayed on Paleo, but I will admit to sneaking a couple handfuls of cereal, just because it was there. It wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, so I moved on. Only put feta on my salads twice, not because I couldn't do it more, but just because I knew it would still be good without it.

And I lost two more pounds.

Grand total in 20 weeks: 23.1 pounds. Slightly above average, and that works for me.


My next measurable goal is to have lost a total of 30 pounds before my mission trip to Haiti in July. That's eight weeks from now, and I think I'll be able to stay on track for that. My bigger concern is that after three+ months of Paleo eating, WHAT is my body going to do when I'm not in charge of food??? We've already heard that lunch is basically PB&J because we can take it with us down there -- so I guess I take my "AB" (almond butter) and just deal with the wheat. I might have to make some adjustments here the week before we go - I'd rather have digestive issues here than there. TMI, I know.


Note to anyone trying Paleo baking recipes: Almond flour and coconut flour are not interchangeable. Don't ask me how I know.

To any of you who may have read my post from a couple of days ago, and just happen to be checking back in: Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It was an important day, and I couldn't go without mentioning it. As the weight loss gets more boring (what? it already is? no way...), I expect to write more off-topic posts, so hopefully you'll find something you like around here somewhere.

First up: Recipe review -- things I try from various sources, changes I make, and recommendations. Coming soon to a blog near you...


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