25 Days of Blogging, part 2

And now for our second installment of the Christmas Challenge!

10. Favorite holiday scent
I am apparently a very indecisive person. Or schizophrenic. Whatever. Vanilla/sugar cookies, pumpkin, pine. It used to be cinnamon, but now I sort of get itchy if there's too much cinnamon in the air -- does that happen to anyone else? My current favorite candle is spiced apple toddy -- seriously awesome.

11. Favorite Christmas tradition
I already mentioned that I love waking up on Christmas morning in my own bed. But I think my favorite tradition is Christmas Eve -- we put on It's a Wonderful Life, make apple cider, and just hang out together. One present gets opened by the kid just like it did when I was young. Often I'm cooking/baking that evening, so the house smells Christmassy.

12. Wrapping paper or gift bags
It's always a combination. If I've saved wrapping (or shopping for) presents to the last minute, definitely bags. I started earlier this year, so it'll be a good year for the wrapping paper approach. I've tried to match them for years, but I discovered this year that I'm down to remnants of both, so I'm using red, blue, and brown paper this year. Next year I'll get to start over with new colors.

13. Favorite Christmas book
Love this question! I decorate with books and usually add to the pile each year.

This box sits on my hearth, and I re-read at least a couple of these each year. My favorite would probably be "An Angel's Story" by Max Lucado - it's a fictionalized account told from the perspective of the archangel Gabriel of "angels battling Satan's armies with the future of mankind hanging in the balance." [I literally had to stop typing right here and go read it again.]

14. Real or artificial tree
We've had both in the past, but now I'm firmly an artificial tree person. With animals, there's no way to keep a real one intact for the month! I do love the smell of real trees, though.

And that catches me up. An entry next week, and then it'll be Christmas. Where did the time go?!?!?


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