Randomness. It's all I've got.

I KNOW. I can't call myself a blogger if I don't actually BLOG. Stupid rules.

My "not in the mood to write" mood continues. Don't really know why -- I think I feel boring right now. It's the end-of-school-year craziness again -- I seem to be surprised every single year when April and May hit and there's something going on all the time. Kinda like being surprised when Christmas shows up and I'm not ready. And last week, I felt the need to do this:
At least my pedicure survived the impact.
RDub had gone on a business trip, Bug and I were outside by the pool before going on our evening walk/run. Dogs misbehaving, I stand up to break up their fun, and ram that foot into the metal leg of the deck chair. I knew instantly it was more than just stubbing my toe. It's now 6 days later and, while I don't think it was broken, it was definitely jammed. It's been all sorts of pretty colors this week.

So rather than getting started on our "school's out" workout routine, I've limped around the house all week. We're in week 6 of our challenge at work to walk/exercise more, and I had to alert my team that they'd have to help me out this week and boost my steps. I have no idea when I'll be able to put on real shoes, much less walk/run. This was NOT part of the plan.

As if that's not enough trauma, my baby is now a senior in high school. I don't understand how that happened.
I swear this was last week.
We survived the end of this year, but I make no guarantees that I'll survive next year. I'm already a basket case just thinking about graduation.

Moving on to more random tidbits: Our pool equipment stopped working the week before Memorial Day. Of course we'd planned a party, which I promptly cancelled. By the time we got somebody out here to look at it, the pool is a lovely shade of green (about like my foot, come to think of it), and I'm steeling myself for the diagnosis, assuming it will be a couple thousand dollars. I guess the universe decided to give us a break, because the technician told us we needed a $6 part from Home Depot, and RDub could fix it himself. Didn't even get charged for the service call. Sweet!

I'm in the middle of getting the decorations finished for my mother-in-law's 80th birthday party this month. I'm the only one in the planning who doesn't live near her, so I got out of all the cooking responsibilities. Thank you, Pinterest, for coming to the rescue. I still have to lay it all out and figure out how much of everything I need, but at least I have the supplies identified. I mocked it up on my table, and then promptly forgot to take pictures of the final result before the flowers died. This was an in process one:

Brown butcher paper on the tables, jars with purple, green, or yellow ribbon over burlap,
then something down the middle of the table -- cloth or paper.
Little mason jars for nuts and jelly bellies in these colors, assorted flowers, etc. Hopefully it will work!

Yesterday I found out that one of my colleagues passed away very quickly after a cancer diagnosis. I've worked with him for eight years, and it's just such a sudden loss. Dan loved to cook and last year started a cooking blog - one of his recipes was for me! He had looked into Paleo after hearing me mention it, and made up a Paleo bruschetta that I've made a few times since then. I'm not sure how long the link will be active, but here's the recipe. He's got a really good one for French onion soup posted there, too. RIP, Dr. Dan.

And that's it for today. I won't wait a month before I blog again. Swear.


  1. Love the mason jars!!! We sing together Sunday ...woohoo!

    1. I know! Love singing with you. I'm about to take some time off from it, so I'm glad I'll be with you for this one!


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