Wednesday Workout Recaps

Seriously, people, somebody help me with these blog titles. I'm only using days of the week to try to force some structure on myself, but this is going to be boring really quick. Okay, moving on to the topic.

This month, I finally was able to start running again after injuring my foot. I'm now in in week three of fairly consistent workouts. Go me!

Running in Texas in the summer is an iffy proposition. Either you have to get up before dawn, run after dark, or find a treadmill inside. I don't have a treadmill, so that's out. RDub won't let me run after dark without the dog along, and he's a big baby. So, early morning it is. Yuck. And seriously, if you wait until 8am, it's too hot already.

RDub and I tried running together a couple of times. 5:30am isn't as impossible for me as it was a few years ago, but it definitely isn't my favorite thing. But he needs to run, too, and before work is the only option. The first day was okay - got a couple of miles in. The second day, though, came after a sleepless night. Neither one of us was able to sleep and I have no idea why. That morning, we only did a little over a mile. Even the dog was relieved.

We've decided that we don't make good workout buddies. I do much better and am more motivated at 6:30, and less likely to bail on that third mile. He's faster and just wants to get done, and he has the dog. For now, we're running separately.

Anyway, this is what I've run so far this month:
I really like to run on Saturdays, but I really like to sleep in a little, so I'm at an impasse! We'll see if I can run on Saturdays through the summer -- but I know I'll start again when 8am isn't so freaking hot already.

In addition to the run/walk combos, I've started doing a few weird things. Every night, as I brush my teeth (2 minutes with the Sonicare), I do 50 squats. Yeah, take a moment for the visual, then move on. I don't really NEED to watch myself brush my teeth, so I'll do squats instead. Anything that might lift my butt is okay by me.

I've also started my own bit of Pilates/yoga to do while we're watching TV. It's hard to do with an audience, but it's not like my family doesn't already know I'm special. The ultimate goal is to not have more than one night off of doing NO physical activity, and I've been meeting that pretty well so far.

That's it. I'm not dropping weight yet, but I hope that will follow soon as I stay consistent. I am sleeping better, which makes any exertion worth it. Now I'll just try to get the blogging/accountability thing in place so I don't stop any of this!

New title suggestions? What activity are you doing in the summer?


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