Tasty Tuesday: Chorizo on the grill!

I'm going to have to rename the series to "Tasty Some Random Day of the Week" if I keep this up. For whatever reason, I want to do the cooking ON Tuesday, and then I don't have time to write it up the same evening. I need a different strategy. Whatever. So I made this last week and skipped the post until today. You're welcome.

And apparently I'm on a shrimp kick on Tuesdays. For you shrimp/fish haters, hang in there and eventually I'll write about something else. 

This was honestly the easiest meal. You could make it with chicken instead of shrimp, but the combination here was really, really good. Check out the easy ingredients:

Peeled shrimp (or cubed chicken), EVOO, chili powder, salt and pepper, and chorizo sausage. I know, the sausage looks like it doesn't belong, but trust me that the flavor it gives the shrimp is divine. 

 Just brush the shrimp with the olive oil, then sprinkle the chili powder and salt and pepper. Toss it around to get it mixed. Slice the chorizo longways (Is that even a word?) 

 Heat the grill to medium high. I use a grill pan for the shrimp -- you could put them on skewers, but that defeats the "easy" in this meal. Throw the shrimp on, and lay the sausage cut side down on the grill. 

The sausage will be done in about 8 minutes - you can turn it if you want the pretty grill marks on both sides, but you don't have to - you're just getting it hot. Toss the shrimp a time or two so they'll all cook evenly. They're done when they are opaque.

Lay out some lettuce leaves (okay, you could use tortillas if you had to), slice some avocado, and top with some salsa.

So VERY easy and delicious! I'm very likely to pick up some chorizo the next time we make fajitas - it would be an excellent variation.

Okay, just to prove that I don't just cook shrimp, here's a bonus Tasty Tuesday:

I had some nectarines that were about to go bad, and we were grilling chicken that night. So I made a quick salsa for the chicken. I've made mango salsas before, and a few other types, but this was a little different.

2 chopped nectarines
4-5 strawberries, chopped
A handful of craisins (dried cranberries)
Purple onion, couple of slices chopped
Cilantro, small handful
Lemon juice, teaspoon or two
Balsamic vinegar (about a tablespoon)

It's not an exact recipe, but base it on how much fruit you're using. Add a little and then taste it. Make this when you  put the chicken on, then let it sit in the refrigerator while you cook. Spoon it over the chicken and enjoy!


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