B f L Day 3: Stuff I find funny

Who can resist a title like that? I've gotten scared about posting pictures I come across on the web (hello, Pinterest) because of copyright stuff, but some of these are just too hilarious. Yes, I'm weird. 

Fair warning:

Funny captions on real photos is one of my favorite things ever.
Imagine there's an apostrophe in "Let's."
I always wink back.
I laughed harder before I realized she was talking to me.

Kittens AND a Harry Potter reference. Perfection.
I spend way too much time online, but at least I find things to giggle about. You should, too. 

[I also find it funny that I wrote this yesterday so I wouldn't miss a day, and then almost got in bed  tonight before I remembered to publish. No short-term memory.]


  1. Too cute, I love memes that make me giggle :)

  2. Bwahaha!!! Love these...we are so much alike it's not even funny!! Muffin top...biscuit!!!


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