Week 6 scorecard

Finally. I'm trying really hard to be patient, but good Lord, it's taken me forever, it seems. But, this week...

I just passed 10 pounds lost!  Whoop! Down 1.6 pounds this week.

That's 1/6th of my overall goal (more or less) and a little over a pound a week.

I must be crazy, though. I made chocolate chip and iced sugar cookies this weekend. They all have a destination, but still. Chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge for a day is just wrong.


I tried Zumba for the first time today. Thank goodness it was in the privacy of my own home. I used to be coordinated to some extent, but that was just scary. I chose to blame it on the Xbox Kinect not registering how perfectly I was doing the moves rather than my age-onset uncoordination. That's my story.


As soon as this insane weather (snow in Texas now?) calms down, it's serious outdoor training for the 5K at the end of March. So far, my longest run without stopping is 1.75 miles, so I'm a little over halfway there. We've got a good neighborhood route with a few hills, so it should be pretty good for preparing for the real thing.

Scorecard complete for this week. My goal is to stay off the scale until next Monday!


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