
I've got three posts started and none ready to go. My brain is overloaded at the moment. Gotta put all that somewhere...

I made this on Thursday:
Bloomin' Onion Bread
Bread. Cheese. Onions. Butter. I did not eat it. Well, I only ate a little corner of it and there was hardly any cheese on that piece. Yay, me. I guess. There's still some on the counter. It's currently whispering "you know you want to" from the other room.

Last night we went out. [I'll wait while those of you who know me pick yourself up off the floor.]... Yes, we got out of the house voluntarily and went to see a friend's band in their inaugural public performance. They were really good! I also had my first glass of wine this year. One and only one glass - a very nice Merlot, which was a little surprising considering this was "Moose Bar & Grill" out in the middle of Nowhere, TX. (or Lewisville. Same thing.)

This morning we went to a memorial service for a dear friend's father. My heart just breaks for her and the family. I so clearly remember that same time in my life and wish for her comfort and peace. Her father was an excellent musician, and they had the service in a church with a huge pipe organ. The organist played some of his favorite pieces and one of our other friends sang The Lord's Prayer. Chills and tears. [Non sequitur: The vocalist was also in the band last night. We both kinda grinned about that. He was great both times.]

Here are the blog posts I'm working on now: Cheese, Glorious Cheese; Haystacks recipe; Homemade banana/chocolate/PB2 ice cream; Look at the fat girl run...And whatever else I come up with...

Whew. I needed to get all that out of my head. Now I need a nap. OH, and I'm rearranging my bathroom cabinets today. The party never stops.


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