Daddies (2013 repost)
Updated for 2013: I wrote this a couple of years ago on Father's Day. As I consider another year, I realized that I really said what I wanted to say about my daddy, so I'm reposting as is. This year, I am thinking of several friends who are facing their first Father's Day without the father -- you all get a hug from me. Daddy, I still miss you every day. ____________________________________________________________________ Before I start, I have no idea if this will be hard or easy to write. I don't in any way want this blog to turn into some Debbie Downer site (or Teary Traci, as the case may be), but I know I'm not the only one who has to face some "holidays" with someone missing. Father's Day is a big one of those around here. The Facebook "game" was to change your profile picture to one of your father. My first thought was that my daddy was gone before digital photos. My second was, "Hey! I have a scanner!" Daddy...