All the food!

Hello, strangers on the interweb! I'm still alive! I still have my Blogger account. Now you can all breathe a little easier. 

There are probably a dozen topics I need to write about, including how the child decided she was adult enough to move out of my house to college, of all things, but I can't do that one yet. Maybe in a couple of years....

BUT, apparently, I decided to cope with that change by cooking all the food...and eating all the food...and taking pictures of! Here's what's been cooking at the hacienda.


I'd love to tell you that I just made all these up myself. Then I could start a new career, but this was way easier than that. I clicked a random link one day -- is my new life-saving menu planner site! You really should check it out. I've not made anything yet that we haven't liked. You can import your own recipes or ones from anywhere on the web and they'll work into the rotation. Changing the recommended menu to be just what you want is so easy. [No, I'm not on their payroll, but I am a huge fan. All of these recipes are available on their website. You might have to be a member to get to them, though.]

And that's my post for September 1st! Maybe I'll post more than once a quarter...but right now, I need to go check out next week's menu. 

What have you been eating lately?


  1. Damn it, now I'm hungry! All of it looks fabulous, but I think you need to come to my house and cook for me.

  2. It all looks yummy!!! Way to go on beautiful food pics!! :))))


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