In the kitchen

Paleo-Friendly Recipe Postings:
Chicken and Lime Soup

Grilling Asparagus

Chorizo on the Grill

Easy Skillet Dinner

Paleo Spaghetti

Grilled Shrimp

Grilled Eggplant

Pork Chops with Apples

Paleo Jambalaya

Fish Tacos

Non-Paleo Recipes, but still good!

Amazing Oatmeal


Greek Yogurt Smoothie

PB2 and Banana Smoothie

Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie

Potato Chips

Pasta Primavera

Pasta Sauce and Lasagna Rolls

Food and Product Recommendations:
Kellogg's Fiber Plus Cereal

Joseph's Pita Bread

Jimmy Dean D-Lights Breakfast Bowl

The Spice and Tea Exchange


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